Foxy Lady

Here's a caricature of Hollywood vixen Megan Fox as her namesake.
Last week after winning the Harry Shearer jam over on Facebook's 'Caricaturama Showdown 3000' group, it was my job to choose the next celebrity to be caricatured. Along with Harry, we'd had Picasso and Danny Trejo as topics, so I figured we needed someone prettier and less wrinkly this time around. So I chose actress Megan Fox (Transformers, Jennifer's Body, Jonah Hex). My interpretation of Megan above is part anthropomorphism and part caricature.
Here you'll find the original b/w Fox which was submitted to the comp. Also here's a link to my sleep deprived first attempt at Megan Fox (looking more like Steve Tyler) and an old version from my Sketchblog.