Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ad agency illustrations

I've done a fair bit of commercial arts work over the years for Aussie ad agency BMF, so I was honoured when they asked me to do illustrations to complement their new website. The brief was to create some paintings with a 50's retro feel to them. A lot of fun.

My fave of the bunch is probably the lobster (lots of fun detail) and the weakest, the surfer (I was tempted not to post him up at all). These are all 100% Photoshop, also using some of my custom brushes.

In the pic below you can see how they were used in the final layouts. They were always intended to act as a corner border to the pages, so they were designed with that in mind.

Here's some closeup detail.


Blogger SEILER said...

Wow, this work is fantastic Chris!!

2:08 PM  
Blogger Faboun'e said...

Wow .. Master.. These works are so beautiful..! Realy realy good.. I make zoom.... Ok Good too....! Great !

7:02 PM  
Blogger Chris Wahl said...

Thanks guys!! Good to hear from you both.

7:54 PM  
Blogger Mark Heng said...

Dude, you ROCK! How long did these take you?

1:42 AM  
Blogger Chris Wahl said...

Thanks Mark! Not sure, maybe 4-5 hours each.

2:25 AM  
Blogger Trent Correy said...

Wow, these are great, you definately got the feel. Nice work, awesome blog.

2:46 AM  
Blogger maggie said...

These are great, Chris!

Also, the hood came yesterday. It's awesome. This hasty Pic doesn't do it justice, but...


4:21 AM  
Blogger Chris Wahl said...

Thanks, Trent!

Thanks for the photo, Maggie!

9:27 PM  
Blogger Attractive Art Community (Big Sam) said...

That freakin Crab is redic! Don't even get me started on the Kangaroo!

3:17 AM  
Anonymous theb said...

Fantastic Chris !

9:32 PM  
Blogger Jaime Leigh said...

This are amazing! I think my fave is the Kangaroo!

1:44 PM  
Blogger MOHAMED SHAFI said...

I am new to illustrations.
as a start i am doing uploads in fotolia.
Pls visit my blog.

I wanna a expert comments like u to be success ful

4:54 PM  
Blogger Anders said...


10:23 PM  
Blogger Bob Fingerman said...

Man oh man, are you good. These are just amazing. I am in awe of how versatile you are. Seems everything you attack you conquer. Color me envious.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Amey Kshirsagar said...

wow, this is good.

see my blog:

12:04 AM  

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All artwork © Chris Wahl 2019 unless otherwise stated. All characters are copyright to their respective owners