What a bear might look like if bitten by a werewolf.
This started as a style sample for a client but I pushed it that little bit further to make it into a finished piece. The original idea wasn't a Werebear just a very evil, angry bear but the title just rolls off the tongue better.
First a pencil drawing was made and then scanned and coloured in Photoshop. Then in Painter I used an coarse oily blender to 'paint' over the pencils. A bunch of spatter and brushlike textures were made with ink on paper then scanned into Photoshop and overlayed onto the piece to give it more interest.
HERE is some detail at actual size.
Also here is a visual breakdown of it's creation. From pencils, Photoshop, Painter then texture overlays and final tweaking.

EDIT 14th Dec 2007- My Werebear art and many other of my pieces are available to buy as quality prints, posters and canvases over at my
REDBUBBLE store. Here are the direct links to the Werebear prints-
Beware the Werebear PrintsWerebear Prints (face closeup crop)