Four in One
As the title suggests, I've crammed four different topics into this one post. Mainly because I didn't want to push too many of the good, older posts off the main page with lots of crappy little ones, so I've combined these all into one.
Below are Nani from Lilo and Stitch, Sailor Moon, Archie's Betty and Veronica and the answer to 'Why they call him Jughead?' and Thundercats' Cheetara.

Below you can see some of the many different designs and poses that were used as a guide to create the figurine and the 3D artwork and animation that appear on the cartons and website.
Here's a link to a photo from the unveiling of a statue-sized version of the figurine.
And here's the finished figurine...

On a different note, I've noticed one or two broken links on my older posts and have fixed them. If anyone comes across pictures that don't load in earlier posts or the gallery section, please let me know and I'll get on it. Thanks.
More Cartoon Cheesecake
A while back I posted some fun interpretations of popular cartoon characters as saucy cheesecake pinups. There were a few others from that batch that I never ended up posting, so here they are for the first time. You'll notice there's cropped thumbnails linking to the main pics, however the content is pretty tame and there's no nudity.Below are Nani from Lilo and Stitch, Sailor Moon, Archie's Betty and Veronica and the answer to 'Why they call him Jughead?' and Thundercats' Cheetara.

Some of you may have noticed the new links in the Shop and Tshirt sections for my Redbubble store. Redbubble's a great little community based website with a marketplace to create and sell your own custom merchandise. I have loads of shirts and prints for sale over there so check 'em out. Battle Scars
I posted the original of this 3D piece, waaay back in my first blog post. Recently when I decided to polish it up for sale as a print over at Redbubble I added a few extra elements to add more depth and detail. Here's a link to the original. Let me know if you think these additions have added or detracted to it's appeal.
VB Warnie figurine
Recently I was lucky enough to get my first toy design job. It was to design a talking figurine for beer makers VB, of legendary and controversial Australian cricketing spin bowler, Shane Warne. Currently you can purchase the toys after collecting barcodes from the cartons of the beer or purchase them online at VB's Summer of Spin website. Below you can see some of the many different designs and poses that were used as a guide to create the figurine and the 3D artwork and animation that appear on the cartons and website.
Here's a link to a photo from the unveiling of a statue-sized version of the figurine.

On a different note, I've noticed one or two broken links on my older posts and have fixed them. If anyone comes across pictures that don't load in earlier posts or the gallery section, please let me know and I'll get on it. Thanks.