My art career could have begun so differently. During my last years of highschool I developed a passion for caricaturing. This led me to doing 2 weeks of work experience at News Ltd, a major newspaper publisher in Sydney. Even though the artist's office was tucked down some dark alley in the basement of the building, there was a great atmosphere working with caricaturists and cartoonists (and even the guy who handwrote the answers to the crossword puzzles- yes this was before computerisation). Upon completing my work experience, I expressed great interest to their art director of starting a cadetship upon leaving school.

PICTURED: (left) These caricatures are samples from my late teens. Brush. letratone and inkwash. 1991
But fate stepped in, and over the following months News Ltd.'s two major newspapers merged into one, resulting in their trimming of the art staff and resulting in no more cadetships.
Soon after that I found employment at Disney and the rest is history...
These days, I still do the occasional caricature for friends and family, and also recently did a whole bunch of them over at The Drawing Board forum's, 'Caricaturists' Caricatures' thread, where fellow cartoonists post their photos to get caricatured. Here's my contribution from that...

PICTURED: (left) These caricatures are samples from my late teens. Brush. letratone and inkwash. 1991
But fate stepped in, and over the following months News Ltd.'s two major newspapers merged into one, resulting in their trimming of the art staff and resulting in no more cadetships.
Soon after that I found employment at Disney and the rest is history...
These days, I still do the occasional caricature for friends and family, and also recently did a whole bunch of them over at The Drawing Board forum's, 'Caricaturists' Caricatures' thread, where fellow cartoonists post their photos to get caricatured. Here's my contribution from that...

Darn it Chirs, I should have posted my mug! I'll like to have a charicature done by you. Every single face you nailed on the spot! make it look easy, also you are ahead one day of me! you already have a monday post blog!
thanks for the comments.
Thanks guys. Glad you like 'em.
so freaking awesome.
Thanks, Rod.
I'm a big fan of your work.
Damn it Chris your caricatures are the best i have seen!!!
i really like those one from friends and family, they are so well done that i check their faces and they seems to have piece of their personality....
amazing dude!
( º3º)
Thanks CK! Your comments are always appreciated.
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