Saturday, October 08, 2011

Head of Apple

A little tribute to Apple's mastermind and innovator, Steve Jobs who passed away a few days ago. This is based on a younger photo of him circa 1985, around when the first Macintosh computer was released.

Brushpen and Photoshop.


Blogger Rasmane said...

This seems “happier” than some of the other drawn tributes I’ve been looking at. Maybe it‘s the optimistic, youthful look? Sharp, as per.

10:44 AM  
Blogger Chris Wahl said...

Definitely the optimistic youthful aspect of Steve. More of a 'what once was' rather than 'what he had become' rendition.

Really, I've read about both sides of his life, the genius and the tyrant, but this isn't really making a comment on the good or the bad. It's more about the reminiscence of youth that one sometimes does when someone has passed...(and besides the older Steve Jobs head didn't fit into the shape of an apple...maybe if I drew an old apple core? there's an idea...)

11:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent concept, Chris!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Illustration said...

Nice illustration.

11:31 PM  

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