So, what do these people have in common?
Well...they all have the same name. To be more precise they all have MY name. All of these people are named Chris Wahl!
We have doctors, animators, principals, coaches, real estate agents...we all seem to have done pretty well for ourselves.
I've actually met the long haired fellow, back when I worked at Disney. He's a head animator on such Disney features as Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin (actually my Austrian relatives thought it was me on the film credits for a while, until my father set them straight, much to their disappointment). We had a brief introduction one day, back when the U.S. were scoping out Australia to do some straight-to-video feature films. You could tell my boss was wetting himself in anticipation, when he brought Mr. Wahl around to my desk-
Boss: Chris Wahl meet Chris Wahl!!!>snigger<
CW1: So...your name's Chris Wahl?
CW2: Yep.
CW1: Cool.
CW1: So how do you pronounce your surname?
CW2: Wahl.
CW1: Cool, me too. (awkward silence)
CW2: Well, see ya!
Somewhere across space and time, an alternate universe imploded from the sheer magnitude of our meeting.