Will Eisner's John Law

No, Nick Fury hasn't switched to smoking pipes... these two pieces were done for Will Eisner's, 'John Law- Detective' website, and their 'Mugshots' gallery. The website is ran by fellow Australian and comic artist, Gary Chaloner- a pioneer of Aussie comics in the 80's and 90's. You can check out his online comics featuring John Law, here.
PICTURED:(1) Digitally Inked in Photoshop (2) Pencil, Painter Classic and Photoshop. 2003
The color work on that is AMAZING!
thanks for the kind words, your work is very inspirational... I'm going to keep watching!
Both versions are beautiful.
serious skills on display here!!!
Neat. I only just noticed you now have a link in your sig at pulpfaction.net - followed it over, and well... this blog is well overdue. Yay!
I hope you keep updating this regularly.
whats' your hobby besides drawing?
Your linework is always an inspiration.
you have some really really good stuff!
Thanks everyone for your comments. I really appreciate them.
Rico- Thanks. Kickstandkids rock!
Pauk- Nice to see you drop in, Pauk.
Heri- I'm not sure if that's a rhetorical question, but whenever I'm not drawing, working or spending time with family I'm usually playing computer games. Also collecting music, DVD's etc.
john law never looked sweeter!
to quote a tune from yesteryear, "you take my breath aaawwwwaaayyyyyy..."
See now, that's just lovely! I'm only sorry I'm so late in commenting.
Your paintings have such warm tones and a nice thickness to the "paint".
calavera kid- Thanks, and thanks for the link.
Thanks j.
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