The Madness within...
Doing interior work for MAD was always very liberating. They had very few restrictions so it was always fun to go to crazy extremes with the subject matter. Good times...
Here are a few examples...
PICTURED: (1) 'Cursing Castle' from 'Theme parks that failed'. Australian MAD#357. (2) 'The Asicks Steroid Evader' from 'Sporting Equipment that never made it off the drawing board'. Australian MAD#363. (3) Chewbacca from 'Where are they now? Star Wars Edition.' Australian MAD#352
Here are a few examples...
PICTURED: (1) 'Cursing Castle' from 'Theme parks that failed'. Australian MAD#357. (2) 'The Asicks Steroid Evader' from 'Sporting Equipment that never made it off the drawing board'. Australian MAD#363. (3) Chewbacca from 'Where are they now? Star Wars Edition.' Australian MAD#352
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